Monday, January 10, 2011

Fact...or hyperbole?

Excessive exaggeration is a habit of mine, though this sense that I'll never make it through the backlog of books slowly taking over my shelves, like paperback kudzu, has been growing in the past few months. I'll scan my TBR bookshelf ( entire bookshelf) and then flick on my Kindle and scroll through the pages and pages of books I've yet to read, and thus have yet to put into collections. (I mistakenly thought that by only allowing myself to organize the books I have read, my mild OCD would compel me to finish the books. Never once considered that maybe it would simply make me I already am.) And thus my time is wasted, as I gaze at the numerous options before me, unable to make a decision, overwhelmed by my choices.

Not that I'm complaining. Mostly.

But it does inspire that certain emotion. Readers know it. That emotion stuck somewhere between a bubbling joy and a sinking sense of dread, which leaves you kind of buoyed in the middle with no idea what you should be thinking. And it was this emotion coupled with a deep understanding of my own limitations that made me think I should start a blog.

Why not, I thought. I love reading books, and blogs about books, so maintaining one of my own is possible (note that I am not saying easy, because, ha, I know better). It'll make me accountable, and hopefully open up opportunities for discussion, which is sometimes the best part of a book. And so here I am, starting up a blog.

Right now my goal is to put up a review a week. The majority of the books will be romance, old-school and more recently published, with some YA, fantasy, sci-fi, and mystery thrown in there. And lots of stuff in between, I'm sure. (I do have some non-fiction books in my pile, mostly psychology books about clinical cases and so on, but I don't plan on reviewing those.) I'll probably also link to other awesome blogs or articles I find, though always with some relation to books or reading. Beyond that, I'm flying blind and bracing for the inevitable rough patches.

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